Frequently Asked Questions
Can Age of Exploration be accessed across an institution's entire network?
Yes. We do not charge networking costs at all. We are happy for you to use the resource across your entire university system and we can often be persuaded to let you use the resource across an agreed geographical area or co-operative network.
How much material can I copy?
Images from this collection may be downloaded, printed and photocopied for educational purposes, including course packs. Please note:
This selection of images is protected by copyright, and duplication or sale of all or part of the image selection is not permitted, except that the images may be duplicated by you for your own research or other approved purpose either as prints or by downloading. Such prints or downloaded records may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise, to anyone who is not a member of staff of the publisher. You are not permitted to alter downloaded records in any way without prior permission from the copyright owner. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Can I use images in my essays?
Yes. Links may be created for essays submitted electronically. Photocopies and printouts of images may be used to accompany printed essay material. Please note:
This selection of images is protected by copyright, and duplication or sale of all or part of the image selection is not permitted, except that the images may be duplicated by you for your own research or other approved purpose either as prints or by downloading. Such prints or downloaded records may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise, to anyone who is not a member of staff of the publisher. You are not permitted to alter in any way downloaded records without prior permission from the copyright owner. Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Where can I check the rights and specifications of Age of Exploration?
The text of a standard licence agreement covering freedom to network, five-year access guarantee and one-time payment price is available for perusal on our Adam Matthew website. It also covers fair use of print copies for research and course packs, and guaranteed continuous seven-days-a-week access with an average of at least 98% up-time per month. Server capacity and connectivity are to industry standards.
How can I find similar material to that used in Age of Exploration?
The content of Age of Exploration is a small fraction of all the source material that Adam Matthew has available. Further details of our collections can be found at Adam Matthew.
Is there a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) for Age of Exploration?
Yes. It can be found here.